It is not always obvious the root cause of errors in Selenium.
The most common Selenium-related error is a result of poor synchronization.
Read about Waiting Strategies. If you aren’t sure if it
is a synchronization strategy you can try temporarily hard coding a large sleep
where you see the issue, and you’ll know if adding an explicit wait can help.
Note that many errors that get reported to the project are actually caused by
issues in the underlying drivers that Selenium sends the commands to. You can rule
out a driver problem by executing the command in multiple browsers.
If you have questions about how to do things, check out the Support options
for ways get assistance.
If you think you’ve found a problem with Selenium code, go ahead and file a
Bug Report
on GitHub.
Java logs are typically created per class. You can work with the default logger to
work with all loggers. To filter out specific classes, see Filtering
Java Logging is not exactly straightforward, and if you are just looking for an easy way
to look at the important Selenium logs,
take a look at the Selenium Logger project
Python logs are typically created per module. You can match all submodules by referencing the top
level module. So to work with all loggers in selenium module, you can do this:
.NET does not currently have a Logging implementation
If you want to see as much debugging as possible in all the classes,
you can turn on debugging globally in Ruby by setting $DEBUG = true.
For more fine-tuned control, Ruby Selenium created its own Logger class to wrap the default Logger class.
This implementation provides some interesting additional features.
Obtain the logger directly from the #loggerclass method on the Selenium::WebDriver module:
Things get complicated when you use PyTest, though. By default, PyTest hides logging unless the test
fails. You need to set 3 things to get PyTest to display logs on passing tests.
To always output logs with PyTest you need to run with additional arguments.
First, -s to prevent PyTest from capturing the console.
Second, -p no:logging, which allows you to override the default PyTest logging settings so logs can
be displayed regardless of errors.
So you need to set these flags in your IDE, or run PyTest on command line like:
pytest -s -p no:logging
Finally, since you turned off logging in the arguments above, you now need to add configuration to
turn it back on:
.NET does not currently have a Logging implementation
Ruby logger has 5 logger levels: :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal.
As of Selenium v4.9.1, The default is :info.
Things are logged as warnings if they are something the user needs to take action on. This is often used
for deprecations. For various reasons, Selenium project does not follow standard Semantic Versioning practices.
Our policy is to mark things as deprecated for 3 releases and then remove them, so deprecations
may be logged as warnings.
This is the default level where Selenium logs things that users should be aware of but do not need to take actions on.
This might reference a new method or direct users to more information about something
Java logging is managed on a per class level, so
instead of using the root logger (Logger.getLogger("")), set the level you want to use on a per-class
.NET does not currently have a Logging implementation
Ruby’s logger allows you to opt in (“allow”) or opt out (“ignore”) of log messages based on their IDs.
Everything that Selenium logs includes an ID. You can also turn on or off all deprecation notices by
using :deprecations.
These methods accept one or more symbols or an array of symbols: