

通过WebDriver, Selenium支持市场上所有主要浏览器, 如Chrome、Firefox、Internet Explorer、Edge和Safari. WebDriver尽量使用浏览器内置的自动化支持 来驱动浏览器.

由于除Internet Explorer之外的所有驱动程序实现 都是由浏览器供应商自己提供的, 因此标准Selenium发行版中不包括这些驱动程序. 本节介绍了使用不同浏览器的基本要求.

在我们的驱动程序配置 文档中 阅读有关启动驱动程序的更多高级选项.

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1. Selenium Manager (Beta)

Selenium v4.6

Selenium Manager helps you to get a working environment to run Selenium out of the box (no additional downloads! no additional configurations!). Selenium Manager attempts to obtain the most correct driver for any browser supported by Selenium in a performant way. Selenium Manager is currently “opt-in,” which means that it is only used if code would otherwise fail. That means if you manage drivers by one of the approaches below, Selenium Manager will not be used.

2. 驱动管理软件

Before Selenium Manager was created, many users turned to other projects to automatically manage their drivers. Most of the functionality of these libraries exists natively in the latest version of Selenium.

If you can’t use Selenium Manager because you are using an older version of Selenium (please upgrade), or need an advanced feature not yet implemented by Selenium Manager, you might try one of these tools:

3. PATH 环境变量

Note: we highly recommend removing drivers from PATH and using Selenium Manager if possible.

此选项首先需要手动下载驱动程序 (有关链接, 请参阅快速参考 部分).

这是一个灵活的选项, 可以在不更新代码的情况下更改驱动程序的位置, 并且可以在多台机器上工作, 而不需要每台机器将驱动程序放在同一位置.

您可以将驱动程序放置在路径中已列出的目录中, 也可以将其放置在目录中并将其添加到PATH.

  • 要查看PATH上已有哪些目录, 请打开命令提示符/终端并键入:

要查看PATH上已经有哪些目录, 请打开Terminal并执行

echo $PATH

如果驱动程序的位置不在列出的目录中, 可以将新目录添加到PATH:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/driver' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

You can test if it has been added correctly by checking the version of the driver:

chromedriver --version

要查看PATH上已经有哪些目录, 请打开Terminal并执行:

echo $PATH

如果驱动程序的位置不在列出的目录中, 可以将新目录添加到PATH:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/driver' >> ~/.zshenv
source ~/.zshenv

You can test if it has been added correctly by checking the version of the driver:

chromedriver --version

要查看PATH上已经有哪些目录, 请打开命令提示符并执行:

echo %PATH%

如果驱动程序的位置不在列出的目录中, 可以将新目录添加到PATH:

setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\WebDriver\bin"

You can test if it has been added correctly by checking the version of the driver:

chromedriver.exe --version

如果PATH配置正确, you will see the version printed like:

ChromeDriver 111.0.5563.64 (c710e93d5b63b7095afe8c2c17df34408078439d-refs/branch-heads/5563@{#995})

If it is not found, you’ll see:

chromedriver.exe : The term 'chromedriver.exe' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program

4. 硬编码位置

Note: we highly recommend not directly referencing the drivers and using Selenium Manager if possible.

与上面的选项3类似, 您需要手动下载驱动程序(有关链接, 请参阅快速参考 部分). 在代码中指定位置本身的优点是 不需要指出系统上的环境变量, 但缺点是使代码的灵活性大大降低.

ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.service import Service

service = Service(executable_path="/path/to/chromedriver")
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service)
var driver = new ChromeDriver(@"C:\WebDriver\bin");
service = Selenium::WebDriver::Service.chrome(path: '/path/to/chromedriver')
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, service: service
const {Builder} = require('selenium-webdriver');
const chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');

const service = new chrome.ServiceBuilder('/path/to/chromedriver');
const driver = new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').setChromeService(service).build();
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "/path/to/chromedriver")
    val driver = ChromeDriver()


浏览器 支持的操作系统 维护者 下载 问题追溯
Chromium/Chrome Windows/macOS/Linux Google 下载 Issues
Firefox Windows/macOS/Linux Mozilla 下载 Issues
Edge Windows/macOS/Linux Microsoft 下载 Issues
Internet Explorer Windows Selenium Project 下载 Issues
Safari macOS High Sierra and newer Apple 内置 Issues


