Browsing Context

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This section contains the APIs related to browsing context commands.

Open a new window

Creates a new browsing context in a new window.

Open a new tab

Creates a new browsing context in a new tab.

    void testCreateAWindowWithAReferenceContext() {

Use existing window handle

Creates a browsing context for the existing tab/window to run commands.

Open a window with a reference browsing context

A reference browsing context is a top-level browsing context. The API allows to pass the reference browsing context, which is used to create a new window. The implementation is operating system specific.

Open a tab with a reference browsing context

A reference browsing context is a top-level browsing context. The API allows to pass the reference browsing context, which is used to create a new tab. The implementation is operating system specific.

    void testCreateATabWithAReferenceContext() {
                browsingContext =
        NavigationResult info = browsingContext.navigate("");


Get browsing context tree

Provides a tree of all browsing contexts descending from the parent browsing context, including the parent browsing context.



Get browsing context tree with depth

Provides a tree of all browsing contexts descending from the parent browsing context, including the parent browsing context upto the depth value passed.

        Assertions.assertEquals(1, contextInfoList.size());
        BrowsingContextInfo info = contextInfoList.get(0);
        Assertions.assertEquals(1, info.getChildren().size());
        Assertions.assertEquals(referenceContextId, info.getId());

Get All Top level browsing contexts

        Assertions.assertEquals(1, contextInfoList.size());
        BrowsingContextInfo info = contextInfoList.get(0);
        Assertions.assertNull(info.getChildren()); // since depth is 0

Close a tab/window

        BrowsingContext window2 = new BrowsingContext(driver, WindowType.WINDOW);

        List<BrowsingContextInfo> contextInfoList = window1.getTopLevelContexts();