Virtual Authenticator

A representation of the Web Authenticator model.

Web applications can enable a public key-based authentication mechanism known as Web Authentication to authenticate users in a passwordless manner. Web Authentication defines APIs that allows a user to create a public-key credential and register it with an authenticator. An authenticator can be a hardware device or a software entity that stores user’s public-key credentials and retrieves them on request.

As the name suggests, Virtual Authenticator emulates such authenticators for testing.

Virtual Authenticator Options

A Virtual Authenticatior has a set of properties. These properties are mapped as VirtualAuthenticatorOptions in the Selenium bindings.

    new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(base64EncodedEC256PK));

  public WebDriver driver;

  public void setup() {
    driver = new ChromeDriver();
            // Create virtual authenticator options
            VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()
    it('Virtual options', async function () {
      options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions();

Add Example

Add Virtual Authenticator

It creates a new virtual authenticator with the provided properties.

  public void testVirtualOptions() {
    // Create virtual authenticator options
    VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()
            // Create virtual authenticator options
            VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()

            // Register a virtual authenticator

            List<Credential> credentialList = ((WebDriver)driver).GetCredentials();

            // Register a virtual authenticator
            await driver.addVirtualAuthenticator(options);

Remove Virtual Authenticator

Removes the previously added virtual authenticator.

    VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()
            VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()

            String virtualAuthenticatorId = ((WebDriver)driver).AddVirtualAuthenticator(options);

            await driver.addVirtualAuthenticator(options);
            await driver.removeVirtualAuthenticator();

Create Resident Credential

Creates a resident (stateful) credential with the given required credential parameters.

  public void testRemoveAuthenticator() {
    VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions();
    VirtualAuthenticator authenticator =
      ((HasVirtualAuthenticator) driver).addVirtualAuthenticator(options);
            byte[] credentialId = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            byte[] userHandle = { 1 };

            Credential residentCredential = Credential.CreateResidentCredential(
              credentialId, "localhost", base64EncodedPK, userHandle, 0);

Create Non-Resident Credential

Creates a resident (stateless) credential with the given required credential parameters.

      new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(base64EncodedEC256PK));

    byte[] credentialId = {1, 2, 3, 4};
            byte[] credentialId = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

            Credential nonResidentCredential = Credential.CreateNonResidentCredential(
              credentialId, "localhost", base64EncodedEC256PK, 0);

Add Credential

Registers the credential with the authenticator.


    VirtualAuthenticator authenticator = ((HasVirtualAuthenticator) driver).addVirtualAuthenticator(options);

    PKCS8EncodedKeySpec privateKey =
      new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(base64EncodedEC256PK));

    byte[] credentialId = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    byte[] userHandle = {1};
            VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()


            byte[] credentialId = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

            Credential nonResidentCredential = Credential.CreateNonResidentCredential(
              credentialId, "localhost", base64EncodedEC256PK, 0);


Get Credential

Returns the list of credentials owned by the authenticator.

    VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()

    VirtualAuthenticator authenticator = ((HasVirtualAuthenticator) driver).addVirtualAuthenticator(options);

    byte[] credentialId = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    Credential nonResidentCredential = Credential.createNonResidentCredential(
      credentialId, "localhost", ec256PrivateKey, /*signCount=*/0);

    List<Credential> credentialList = authenticator.getCredentials();
    Assertions.assertEquals(1, credentialList.size());

    Credential credential = credentialList.get(0);
            VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()


            byte[] credentialId = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            byte[] userHandle = { 1 };

            Credential residentCredential = Credential.CreateResidentCredential(
              credentialId, "localhost", base64EncodedPK, userHandle, 0);


            List<Credential> credentialList = ((WebDriver)driver).GetCredentials();

Remove Credential

Removes a credential from the authenticator based on the passed credential id.

    VirtualAuthenticator authenticator = ((HasVirtualAuthenticator) driver).addVirtualAuthenticator(options);

    byte[] credentialId = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    byte[] userHandle = {1};
    Credential residentCredential = Credential.createResidentCredential(
      credentialId, "localhost", rsaPrivateKey, userHandle, /*signCount=*/0);

            ((WebDriver)driver).AddVirtualAuthenticator(new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions());

            byte[] credentialId = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

            Credential nonResidentCredential = Credential.CreateNonResidentCredential(
              credentialId, "localhost", base64EncodedEC256PK, 0);



Remove All Credentials

Removes all the credentials from the authenticator.

    Assertions.assertArrayEquals(rsaPrivateKey.getEncoded(), credential.getPrivateKey().getEncoded());

  public void testRemoveCredential() {
    VirtualAuthenticator authenticator =
      ((HasVirtualAuthenticator) driver).addVirtualAuthenticator(new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions());

    byte[] credentialId = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    Credential credential = Credential.createNonResidentCredential(
            ((WebDriver)driver).AddVirtualAuthenticator(new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions());

            byte[] credentialId = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

            Credential nonResidentCredential = Credential.CreateNonResidentCredential(
              credentialId, "localhost", base64EncodedEC256PK, 0);



Set User Verified

Sets whether the authenticator will simulate success or fail on user verification.

    Assertions.assertEquals(0, authenticator.getCredentials().size());
            VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()